Application areas:
? For rapid and reliable periodic supervising as well as measurement system analysis and testing with regard to temperature behavior of the following systems:
? CMMs
? Theodolite measuring systems
? Precision tachymeters
? Measuring arms
? Laser trackers
? Laser radars
? Tactile online photogrammetry
? Optical online photogrammetry
? Offline photogrammetry
? Machine tools
? Robots
? For rapid and reliable periodic supervising as well as measurement system analysis and testing with regard to temperature behavior of the following systems:
? CMMs
? Theodolite measuring systems
? Precision tachymeters
? Measuring arms
? Laser trackers
? Laser radars
? Tactile online photogrammetry
? Optical online photogrammetry
? Offline photogrammetry
? Machine tools
? Robots